Organic Cotton Mattresses with Springs ARE SAFE To Use

“Springs in organic cotton mattresses do NOT cause ill health. You may have come across information regarding an article written by an astrologist or one by a neurologist in reference to the danger of springs in mattresses. This is controversial and has never been properly researched or scientifically proven, it is an opinion!”

“If any testing was done it would have been on a conventional mattress, not on an organic cotton mattress. Any adverse re-action experienced by a person sleeping on a conventional mattress would more likely have been provoked by the chemicals in the mattress outgassing rather than the springs. Over the last 18 years I myself, have done a lot of testing on organic cotton mattresses with and without springs, (futons) and it made no difference to my health. At least, a combined total, 16 of those years I have used the innerspring and in fact my health has improved having changed over to a totally Organic Cotton Bedroom.”

“When I became ‘unwell’ with MCS (Multiple Chemical Sensitivity) I started to research Building Biology. Most, if not all they claim made sense and having adopted these ideas myself when renovating our home, I can confirm to be correct. From my own experience though I found no difference between sleeping on a futon (without springs) or on an innerspring mattress (with springs).” – Peter Byl (CEO and Founder of Organature Australia)

Some people will argue this point, however we have clients who thought that springs would/did cause them problems, but found after they purchased the Organature® 100% Certified Organic Cotton they slept like they had not slept for a long time :-)