Organic Cotton Mattresses with Springs ARE SAFE To Use

“Springs in organic cotton mattresses do NOT cause ill health. You may have come across information regarding an article written by an astrologist or one by a neurologist in reference to the danger of springs in mattresses. This is controversial and has never been properly researched or scientifically proven, it is an opinion!”

“If any testing was done it would have been on a conventional mattress, not on an organic cotton mattress. Any adverse re-action experienced by a person sleeping on a conventional mattress would more likely have been provoked by the chemicals in the mattress outgassing rather than the springs. Over the last 18 years I myself, have done a lot of testing on organic cotton mattresses with and without springs, (futons) and it made no difference to my health. At least, a combined total, 16 of those years I have used the innerspring and in fact my health has improved having changed over to a totally Organic Cotton Bedroom.”

“When I became ‘unwell’ with MCS (Multiple Chemical Sensitivity) I started to research Building Biology. Most, if not all they claim made sense and having adopted these ideas myself when renovating our home, I can confirm to be correct. From my own experience though I found no difference between sleeping on a futon (without springs) or on an innerspring mattress (with springs).” – Peter Byl (CEO and Founder of Organature Australia)

Some people will argue this point, however we have clients who thought that springs would/did cause them problems, but found after they purchased the Organature® 100% Certified Organic Cotton they slept like they had not slept for a long time :-)



What We Think About The Better Cotton Initiative

Isn’t it good that large retailers are now paying attention to what many customers have been wanting for so long … CLEANER, HEALTHIER, BETTER COTTON. In Australia recently, we’ve seen TV ads telling us about the Better Cotton Initiative … a step in the right direction. Or is it just another advertising gimmick being used by the major chain stores to combat the public demand for, and claim market growth of, Certified Organic Cotton?

Misleading Marketing

Cotton by nature is an organic product. With Better Cotton Initiative, there is no control over what chemicals are used, how much is used and how frequent. No control over the purity. No control over transport methods. The cotton can also be GM, Genetically Modified. Once you’ve done some research it can be easier to decipher what any of the major retailers are actually claiming. Take the time to read what  sellers are saying, find and more and decide whether it makes sense to you.

For example: On EBay there is a cot mattress that the seller claims to be organic cotton. It also shows the Made in Australia logo. Both are false. It is not organic cotton, the fabric has an “organic cotton” print on it. We checked this mattress a long time ago and the filling is synthetic. They are NOT licenced to use the MiA (Made In Australia) logo. Peter has lodged a complaint with MiA.

UPDATE APRIL 8 2019: Made in Australia has managed to have their logo removed from the EBay mattress advertisement and have also provided us with the name of the deceitful manufacturer.

That is why we only use CERTIFIED ORGANIC COTTON fabrics and filling for every mattress, topper, futon, sheet, quilt, bed linen and bedroom item we manufacture and sell, and each one comes with it’s relevant certification number. That’s the only way to be assured of purity and that high production and transporting standards are carried out. Read: The Cleanest Production & Transporting Standards in Australia – safe for chemical sensitivity sufferers.

Misleading Prices

Some websites promoting Organic Cotton products, are showing an extremely high price for a sheet set with a line through the amount and a much lower price next to it. The high price is false and is there to induce you into thinking, you are getting a bargain.

For example: A king Single sheet set is shown as $259.00; on the side $103.60. Let’s presume that the cost is half of the selling price before 10% GST. = $47.10. This would be the maximum cost for this Sateen sheet set, imported from Asia. This makes the original advertised price; $259.00 (including GST), marked up 5 times on the $47.10 cost. Selling for that price would be robbery and shows how misleading advertised high prices are.

We DON’T mark up our products and then mark them down to make it look like you’re getting a bargain, like most retailers seem to be doing at the moment. WE GIVE YOU THE BEST POSSIBLE PRICE UPFRONT. Customers have been complimenting us on our high quality and reasonable prices more than ever just recently. (April 2019) Read: How We Keep Our Prices So Reasonable.

Misleading Descriptions

There are so many product descriptions that can also be misleading. Many claim to be organic or solid wood and while that may be true, there are other factors that need to be considered.

For example: Cot & Cot Mattress Made from sustainable New Zealand Pine – a solid wood. Yes, it might be a solid wood, but every timber product that’s imported into Australia must be fumigated with a harmful chemical to prevent the spreading of pests and disease. The website we looked at also claimed to use Non Toxic paints/stains but we were not able to see any more technical details —– insufficient information to make a sound decision. No specification details for the cot mattress contents either  —– insufficient information to make a sound decision. Read: Organic Baby Mattress Australia 100% Safety Record.

Another example from the Baby Online website: A cot mattress with polyurethane foam comfort layers over the top of the spring unit, air ventilation eyelets all round then upholstered in quilted 100% pure Organic cotton cover both sides. Polyurethane foam contains an extremely harmful chemical. Peter has always questioned the use of these mattresses made with foam. There is no point covering toxic materials with an organic cotton upholstery. Chemicals leech into the air especially when body heat is applied. They penetrate through the fabric and outgas through the ventilation holes. At Organature, we believe that they may also be the cause of SIDS/SUDI. Read: How to prevent the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.

Here’s a Wholesale Direct Advertisement: Product Description Key features. 15 mm natural latex layer for extra comfort and heat reduction with 100% Organic cotton cover for sensitive skin. These are made by the same company. One uses polyurethane foam, this one claims latex. Both use chemicals to whip the product into a foam so it isn’t just a sticky mess. Who do we trust??? Read: The Truth About Latex Mattresses to find out more. 

Misleading Advertising

Every business is doing their best to built the customers trust, and yes, we do that too. But if you get diagnosed with an illness, if someone in your family is hard to live with, if you’re lethargic, have headaches, just can’t do the things you once did and don’t know exactly why, chemical exposure is often the trigger. That’s why we care so much that we manufacture and deliver the purest, cleanest, healthiest bedding products we possibly can, especially for the youngest members of our families, our babies, children and grandchildren. Don’t get caught out by clever advertising such as this:

From the website: Australian Made Spinal Support Organic Foam Cot Mattress. Keep your baby healthy and sound asleep on this Organic cotton high density foam cot mattress. Being organic it’s allergy free – the perfect choice for young ones with sensitive skin or allergies. With this cot mattress, you can provide your baby with the comfort and security that they need. Please be aware, foam mattresses, high density foam and even what they call natural latex, is not organic and all contain nasty chemicals. Also HIGHLY likely to be the cause of SIDS/SUDI. Peter has stopped looking for any more examples. We think it’s enough to show how people can be misled. Photos of these are on their websites and they all look the same. Even the print on the mattress is a chemical. Why do they need to use that —— it’s just misleading advertising. Read: Every Aussie Parent Should Read Before Buying Baby Products – CONSUMER AWARENESS GUIDE

The Good News

But if you have a family, a baby, young children, are chemically sensitive, have a weakened immune system, feel tired, get sick more than you’d like or you just prefer to buy the best you can get, you’ll still want to go CERTIFIED ORGANIC COTTON all the way. If it’s truly Certified Organic, it automatically has cleaner production standards and better control, with NO genetic modification, NO slave labour and absolutely NO chemicals.

I wouldn’t buy anything else.

Organature Australia
Shop 1, 8/10 Forrest Avenue,
Newhaven, Victoria 3925

Another Reason For Choosing Organic

Silver has long been known to be a potent antimicrobial agent. However, its use has exploded in recent years, in medical applications and also in many consumer products, including children’s toys, babies’ bottles, and cosmetics, textiles, cleaning agents, chopping boards, refrigerators and dishwashers


Nanotechnology is the generic name given to the production or use of very small, or ‘nano’ particles.
It is an area for which there is no regulation in Australia. Companies are under no obligation to even notify any government authority if they import, use or manufacture nano-materials.

The potential effects of nano-materials on worker health and that of the general community, as well as on the environment, are largely unknown.



Much of the silver used in products today is manufactured at the nano-scale, meaning it is present in extremely tiny particles that behave differently than larger particles and are especially potent. Studies suggest that the widespread use of nano-silver poses serious health and environmental risks, and that it could promote anti-bacterial resistance, undermining its efficacy in a medical context.

Silver has long been known to be a potent antimicrobial agent. However, its use has exploded in recent years, in medical applications and also in many consumer products, including children’s toys, babies’ bottles, and cosmetics, textiles, cleaning agents, chopping boards, refrigerators and dishwashers.

Friends of the Earth and Health Care Without Harm Europe have released a report detailing the growing public health threat posed by nano-silver particles in consumer products. “What we’ve learned is alarming,” said Friends of the Earth’s Ian Illuminato, one of the report’s authors. “Major corporations are putting nano-silver into a wide variety of consumer products with virtually no oversight, and there are potentially serious health consequences as a result. The workers who manufacture these products, the families that use them and the environment are all at risk.”

“Inserting nano-silver into hundreds of new products could harm our bodies and the outdoor environments into which it’s released,” said Illuminato. “Nano-silver doesn’t distinguish between good and bad bacteria—it kills all bacteria with which it interacts, many of which are necessary for our survival and the survival of other living organisms.” The availability in Australia of materials potentially containing nano-silver particles looks likely to increase significantly judging by a recent article in The Age: True blue ‘smart’ fabric more than just a high-tech yarn. Australian work wear company King Gee is using fabric utilising nanotechnology that absorbs body odour and ‘is apparently so intelligent that it can also differentiate between a bad smell and a good one.’ The fabric may contain nano-silver which kills bacteria/microbes which cause bad smells.

“Do we really need to coat cups, bowls and cutting boards, personal care products, children’s toys and infant products in nano-silver for ‘hygienic’ reasons?” asked report co-author Dr. Rye Senjen, Friends of the Earth Australia’s nanotechnology expert. “Over-use of this extreme germ killer poses a serious public health risk.” “We are playing with fire, especially at a time when anti-bacterial resistance is an ever increasing medical problem globally,” Dr. Senjen said. The report also warns that nano-silver may leach out of products such as clothing, cosmetics, and washing machines and find its way into water systems and potentially interfere with the treatment of waste water and sewage.

Friends of the Earth is calling for an immediate moratorium on the commercial release of products that contain manufactured nano-silver until nanotechnology-specific regulation is put in place to protect the public, workers and the environment, until all products containing nano-silver are labelled as such, and until the public is involved in decision making about the use of this particle.


For an interesting, informative and slightly alarming read on how chemicals in our everyday home environment are affecting our bodies and our minds, we recommend, “Slow Death By Rubber Duck” by Rick Smith and Bruce Lourie.  As seen on Channel 10’s ‘The Circle’, these two leading Canadian enviromentalists, used themselves as human experiments and willingly exposed themselves to the environmental toxins found daily in our homes.

Visit their website at

Safe For Allergy, Asthma And Chemical Sensitive

The Only Organic Cotton Mattress Made in Australia


Organature is the ONLY manufacturer producing genuine organic cotton futons and innerspring mattresses in Australia.

Everything we make and use has been thoughtfully chosen with Asthma, Allergy and Chemically Sensitive Sufferers in mind, right down to the packaging.

Why Do We Make Pure Organic Products?


One of our founders, Peter, was diagnosed with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (M.C.S.) in 1993. He was forced to give up work as a result. There is no total cure for this strange ailment which can strike anyone at any time. Read more about Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Syndrome HERE.

When we were researching M.C.S. we discovered that many people are already allergic to perfume and deodorant (due to the chemicals they contain), and can feel tired, experience difficulty breathing, have asthma attacks and get rashes or other allergic reactions, some without even realising the cause!

Treatment for Chemical Sensitivity – At this time, the only recognised remedy and precaution for Chemical Sensitivity is the ‘Avoidance of Chemicals’.

As a chemical sensitivity or asthma sufferer, it is vital to get your rest without the effects of chemicals. Avoiding the traditional bedding products including sheets, pillows and bed linen (which are often treated with potentially allergy causing chemicals), is really important in helping you FEEL BETTER.

Why Is Regular Bedding And Bed Linen Bad For Us? – Conventional cotton sheets often contain chemicals such as formaldehyde to make them ‘Non-iron’, ‘Easy care’, ‘Wrinkle free’, ‘ Permanently pressed’, ‘Flame proof’ and many other fancy names.

Feeling Better By Using Organic Products – To minimise exposure to the harmful chemicals that were making Peter so sick that he couldn’t work and could barely even get out of bed, we use ONLY Organic products in our home (with special emphasis on what we sleep on and under), and have witnessed massive improvements in Peters’ health, due to these changes.

Organature was created because there was no Cotton Bedding Manufacturer using clean and safe Organic practices in Australia. Research showed there were also many other Australians with symptoms caused by reactions to chemicals and we decided to make, import where necessary and supply the range of Organic Cotton goods that people were so desperately needing to regain their health.

Only Safe Organic Products and Packaging Are Used


All Organature bedlinen and other bedding products are made in Australia in our own sewing rooms under strict clean conditions. Our requirements to supply HEALTHY PRODUCTS to the public which are NOT contaminated by outgassing from other products, are *stricter than organic certification requirements.

*Our manufacturing area and sewing room walls are painted with natural organic paint, the cutting table is Australian hardwood, (we DO NOT use chipboard or MDF), we are a family business and none of its’ members use synthetic fragrances from perfumes, deodorants, aftershave, hand creams, personal care products etc.

We follow the European Organic certification standard which is more stringent and health promoting. We don’t use the American standard because it allows certain chemicals to be used in fabrics, like fabric whiteners, which are not allowed in Europe.

We control all aspects of the fabric production, the products we manufacture ourselves and those we have made especially for us….without contamination from outside sources.

Our mattresses, quilts and pillows are the only ones available in Australia which are filled with Australian Grown Organic Cotton and comply with very strict organic specifications.

About The Packaging Materials We Use


An Organature mattress or futon is first packed in a handy draw string bag made specially from our organic cotton fabric and then meticulously wrapped in multi layers plastic for transport.

Mattress and futon of all sizes (including Cot mattresses and futons for babies) are first packed in an Organic Cotton bag, then placed into a carton for sending by post. This gives extra protection between the mattresses and the outer wrapping.

Organature bedlinen products are packed in cellophane, NOT plastic or plastic that looks like cellophane. Quilts pillows and mattresses are packed in bags made from our organic cotton Aus-Satin Poplin, ideal to be used for storage.

Organic cotton and cellophane are both natural materials, they are bio-degradable, and when used or worn out, can go into your compost.

Why Do We Go To So Much Trouble Packaging Our Organic Goods?


…because we care that you receive your new mattress, bedding, futon, sheets, pillows, towels, clothes, baby products, blankets, rugs or any other organic products we sell, in the best possible condition.

Organature offer the BEST ORGANIC QUALITY and at a very REASONABLE PRICE.

We hope our products will improve the quality of your life.

Who Cares? Our Experience With MCS

The past two to three years has seen expediential growth in the organics industry, growth that has seen “band-wagon jumpers” try to sell you product without truly caring about the principles behind the organic movement.

Who can you trust to tell the truth?


Organature’s founder, Peter Byl has spent the last 15 years researching ways to alleviate the symptoms of the chronic and increasingly common disability known as Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS).

When he was first diagnosed with this debilitating affliction there was very little known and even less help available for these people, and it became his mission during the years of enforced isolation to learn all he could to improve not only his own life style but also that of others enduring the same allergic and sensitivity difficulties.

Peter read numerous books (after they had been “off-gassed” outside for days and sometimes weeks) and learned how to improve the air quality inside his home and especially to create a “retreat”, somewhere he could go and know the air was as pure as he could possibly make it.

Although he made a few mistakes on the way, moving house twice, this was part of the learning experience.

He soon found that not only the building materials used in modern homes but also the furniture and particularly soft furnishings were amongst the worst contributors to his symptoms. He struck lucky finding an old un-renovated home in South Gippsland, away from a closely populated area and at the end of a no through road, with no passing traffic.

This is where his past life and skills as a builder/renovator came in and with an increasing number of “feel a bit better today” days he was able to renovate his old country cottage, using only organic and healthy materials with particular emphasis on an organic cotton bedroom.

As a chemical sensitivity or asthma sufferer, it is vital to get your rest without the effects of chemicals. Avoiding the traditional bedding products including sheets, pillows and bed linen (which are often treated with potentially allergy causing chemicals), is really important in helping you FEEL BETTER.

The result has meant that using the expertise from many years in the bedding and textile industry, he was able to begin the new and successful venture, creating and producing “Organature” Organic Cotton bedding and bedlinen from home.

Sleeping in a healthy bedroom is the BEST way for the body to recuperate after exposure to chemicals in normal daily life.

While it is important to recognise that so far there is no “cure” for MCS, learning what it is and avoiding harmful chemical substances CAN make a world of difference.

Spare a thought also for the partners and family of the chemically affected person. The necessary lifestyle changes affect them also and it takes a great deal of patience and understanding to help the person you most care about on the road to healing.

Who cares? ….. We Care!

Why Choose An Organic Cotton Mattress?

NATURAL FIBRE – Cotton is a natural fibre that resonates harmoniously with our bodies. The same cannot be said for latex, foam and other synthetic fabrics. When we surround ourselves with organic cotton, we function, and sleep, at our optimum.

CHEMICAL FREE – Conventional Cotton has been saturated with chemicals. These chemicals are poisonous to the human system and many of them are activiated to outgas by bodily heat.

NO FIRE RETARDANTS – Conventional mattresses are made from synthetic materials which may be protected against fire by a range of substances such as formaldehyde – a known carcinogen. Organic Cotton Mattresses do NOT contain these chemicals.

NATURAL ODOUR – Conventional synthetic and non-organic cotton mattresses give off an odour. This is the odour of synthetic chemicals – just as you will find in new cars and carpet. While this odour subsides over a period of time, it never completely goes away. These chemicals when heated by our body, cause the chemical to outgas, which we inhale. Organic cotton has a very subtle, natural odour which is completely harmless and subsides quickly.

HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS – Matter is energy. Petrochemical materials and conventional cotton with a mindset geared to profit, without care for environment and our health. The growing and processing of Organic Cotton requires care and a life-honouring approach at every step.

HYPO-ALLERGENIC – Organic Cotton is neutral and ideal for those with Allergies, Chemical Sensitivities and Asthmatic tendencies.

THEY BREATHE – Organic cotton mattresses have excellent wicking qualities, absorbing moisture at night and disssipating it by day, which is aided by the air circulation through the springs.

GIVE YOUR FAMILY A BETTER NIGHTS SLEEP – The health benefits that people feel once they have decided to ‘go organic’ are usually very noticeable. When combined with an organic cotton mattress protector, attractive and stylish natural organic cotton bed linen, fluffy organic cotton pillows, a warm organic quilt and a soft cotton blanket or rug, the chances of feeling noticeable health benefits are even higher … babies tend to sleep better, children tend to sleep soundly, allergy sufferers tend to wake feeling better, and you’ll tend to have a good sleep too.

Amazing Health Benefits From Using Organic Cotton Bedding

How Is Organic Cotton Grown?


Organic cotton is grown using methods and materials that have a low impact on the environment. Organic production systems replenish and maintain soil fertility, reduce the use of toxic and persistent pesticides and fertilizers, and build biologically diverse agriculture.

Third-party certification organizations verify that organic producers use only methods and materials allowed in organic production.


Using Certified Organic Cotton Helps Create A Chemical-Free Environment


Besides the NOTICEABLE HEALTH BENEFITS most people experience, there are many other advantages from sleeping with organic cotton bedding.

Read about our personal EXPERIENCE WITH MULTIPLE CHEMICAL SENSITIVITY and why we decided to produce our own fabric products using Certified Organic Cotton.

Read the short list of benefits below…

  • If you have allergies or are sensitive to chemicals, purchasing an organic cotton mattress or futon will help you get a good nights rest, away fron the chemicals that make you feel sick .


  • Organic cotton absorbs moisture from our bodies more efficiently than synthetic products, helping eliminate excessive sweating experienced by some people when using synthetic and synthetic blends in bedding and bedlinen.


  • Organic cotton mattresses and futons ‘breathe’ which helps eliminate moisture retention and allows the mattress to remain dry or to dry quickly thus avoiding mould or mildew.


This ‘breathing’, together with the soft Suede Flannel fabric sorrounding the organic mattress or futon also reduces dust mite problems (these annoying and allergy causing little creatures prefer warm, moist conditions).



  • The mattress retains its clean natural state, allowing skin to breathe which encourages a deeper and more restful nights sleep.




  • Besides the health benefits that you will enjoy from your organic cotton sheets, quilts and pillows there are other environmental advantages to organic cotton bedding.




  • When you purchase organic cotton bedding and bedlinen, you support the organic farming industry. This encourages agricultural methods that do not harm the environment. You also help to reduce the amount of potentially harmful chemical compounds in the air.




  • Buying ertified organic products help contribute to a recycling strategy. Organic materials decompose naturally back into the soil without leaving behind harmful toxins.


Buying certified and genuine organic cotton products are one more step towards living in an eco friendly world.

The production of every certified organic product is strictly monitored during each phase, and the processes used are much more environmentally friendly than any other production method currently employed on the planet today.

Buying organic ensures a better chance for the long term health of our world by utilising sustainable farming practises, WITHOUT the use of unnecessary and allergy causing chemicals.

Your children will thank you for it!

Managing Sensitivity To Chemicals And Odours

The following is a useful excerpt from the Australian Government JobAccess Network

Many workplaces have chemicals and odours that are a necessary part of the industry or work situation. Chemicals and odours can be found in cleaning products, flooring, manufacturing equipment, and as a byproduct or result of industrial, mechanical or construction works.

People sensitive to chemicals and odours may develop conditions affecting the central nervous system symptoms, respiratory or gastrointestinal systems. Symptoms commonly reported following exposure to chemicals include (not limited to); fatigue, headaches, poor memory, impaired concentration, dizziness, temperature sensitivity.

Learning to manage sensitivity to chemicals and odours can ensure people are able to focus fully on their job or task and participate fully in their role within the workplace.
(WorkSafe Smart Move 2001)

Multiple Chemical Sensitivity


Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) is an illness of our modern times. However the medical profession is at a loss to explain the exact cause and mechanism and the subject is highly controversial. What chance do patients have when they explain to their medical practitioners that they are always tired, suffer from muscle aches and can’t sleep properly? The good news is that the increasing numbers of patients forces the authorities to research the syndrome, and this is happening right now.

MCS is NOT inherited it is not an inflammation, allergy, or infection, it is a multi-system illness, which doesn’t affect only one organ but several body systems. It is caused by low levels of chemicals, in particular those in the indoor air. Scientists can prove the existence of the chemicals in the environment; but as yet no medical tests can substantiate the existence of MCS, Diagnosis relies on the symptoms a patient displays and describes during a consultation. The symptoms vary with every person and can be mild or may be so severe that they interfere with daily life.

Unfortunately, because the cause can’t be accurately established, no specific treatment exists for MCS. Some medical practitioners suggest strengthening the immune system, while others prefer to detoxify a patient’s body. Many so-called alternative methods have also been tried. There are, however, a few measures that appear to have some success.

A person may suspect that certain chemicals are the reason for their symptoms. Avoiding these chemicals at home and at work is an obvious conclusion. Improving indoor air quality helps to rid a room of certain chemicals, or at least may dilute it below a person’s sensitivity threshold.

Help your body by reducing the total chemical load and strengthening the immune system. Eat organically grown food and drink purified water. Don’t use commercial household cleaners; Bi-carb Soda and Vinegar are all the cleaning products you will ever really need.

The Truth About Cotton

Organic cotton processing uses no harsh chemicals during cultivation or during the manufacture into yarn, fabrics, garments, bedlinen etc.
Defoliants are NOT used to reduce the plant matter before, during and after picking of the cotton and are not used to clean the cotton.
All processing means are biodegradable and free from harmful heavy metals, AZO dye, and other harmful substances.



Organic cotton processing uses no harsh chemicals during cultivation or during the manufacture into yarn, fabrics, garments, bedlinen etc. Defoliants are NOT used to reduce the plant matter before, during and after picking of the cotton and are not used to clean the cotton. All processing means are biodegradable and free from harmful heavy metals, AZO dye, and other harmful substances.

Organature CERTIFIED ORGANIC COTTON products do not contain hidden harsh materials and are not fumigated.

The fabric is treated with means to preserve the natural characteristics of the cotton, and is kind to the environment.

After the cotton boll has been picked it is ‘ginned’; a process to remove seeds. This process also removes some of the plant matter. Further processing removes more of the plant particles; it is impossible to remove all. The result is that you may find the occasional dark spots in light colour fabrics and irregular dye marks in dyed fabrics.

The organic cotton filling in the Organature mattresses, quilts and pillows have only gone through early stage processes of ‘ginning’ and ‘carding’; carding being the process of teasing out the baled cotton into ‘fluffed up’ blanket.

It is impossible to remove all plant residue and this results in the dark markings which appear, particularly, in the quilts and pillows. When purchasing our organic products, there must be understanding that the client is fully aware of this ‘natural’ characteristic and accepts that these are not flaws and adds to the uniqueness of the product.





You think that cotton is NATURAL! Don’t be misled!!!!

Cotton is a natural fibre, but…….just because it states “cotton” it is not always totally natural .There are more chemicals used on conventional cotton then on any other crop!

Chemicals are used to grow, harvest and process conventional cotton, they are used to make the fabric ‘easy care’,’ wrinkle free’,’ down proof’, etc.


The environmental effects of the CONVENTIONAL cotton industry are very destructive. The cultivation of CONVENTIONAL cotton is known for its intense application of powerful chemical pesticides and sometimes chemical defoliants.

Before being made into fabrics, garments, bed linen, towels etc. CONVENTIONAL cotton is usually treated with an array of chemicals, which are also used before and after picking the cotton to clean plant residue out of the cotton.

Chemicals are used to treat CONVENTIONAL COTTON fabrics for closing the weave, so that feather down and wool do not ‘creep’ through the outer covering material for quilts, also to make fabrics fire resistant and to enable the fabric to take heavy metal and AZO dye.
Furthermore conventional cotton clothing and bedlinen is treated with chemicals to make them easy care, non iron, wrinkle free.

Descriptions such as ‘handpicked’, ‘green’, and ‘unbleached’ and lately the use of the words “best practice” are often misleading and give no guarantee of an environmentally sound growing of the cotton or the weaving, processing and production of conventional cotton fabrics and garments.

Most chemicals applied during growing, processing and ongoing production of conventional cotton are permanently in the fabrics and there is growing evidence that these chemicals are affecting our health.

Australian labelling laws permit the use of a percentage of synthetic material, such as polyesters, in a product and the label can state “100% cotton” or “all cotton”.

Most quilts and pillows labelled cotton contain polyester mixed with the cotton wadding; some manufacturers use this to hold the cotton together and perhaps also to keep the price low. Others use thin polyester lining to enable manufacture of their quilts.

Imported products containing cotton; Australian Quarantine regulations state that cotton filled products imported into Australia must be fumigated or irradiated; this may include toys, bedspreads, duvets, comforters, quilts and pillows.

The Colour Of Our Products

Organic certification allows certain biodegradable, low impact dyes to be used when producing fabrics. This certification allows oxy, hydrogen peroxide bleach to provide the whiteness to the fabrics. ‘Ultra White’ chemical is NOT used on our fabrics.

Some chemicals and chlorine bleach in non-organic textiles cause the fabrics to stiffen, and then additional chemicals must be used to soften them. These chemicals are like the ultra-violet rays of the sun and can reduce the quality of the cotton fibre and shorten its’ life span.

Organature avoid as many additives as possible. We believe the bedroom should have a ‘CLEAN’ atmosphere and therefore provide you with organic, ‘SUSTAINABLE TEXTILE PRODUCTS’ for your bedroom, nursery, bathroom, sewing room and wardrobe.

Most of our bedroom, bathroom and nursery products are made from fabrics which have NOT been dyed or bleached. Organic Cotton Processing gives the fabrics the distinct ‘NATURAL’ colour. This natural colour can vary slightly from batch to batch and can even vary throughout a roll of fabric. This serves to add to its’ uniqueness. For those who like to have white or enjoy seeing a bit of colour in their bedroom, we have introduced oxygen bleached and SAFELY dyed bedlinen to our range.